I have been mostly deaf all of my life, so I pay more attention to sound waves than may be healthy.
For the same reason, I pay way too much attention to light waves as I stare at people’s lips as they talk.
I talk with the universal accent of the congenitally deaf, and a big piece of my learning how to talk was touching the throat of my mother as she taught me the various sounds people make when speaking English.

I learned most of them, but I’m still struggling with “r”. Grrrr….
Waves allow us to know what’s going on with the things not actually touching us. (Well, sound waves are mechanical, so I guess one could argue that the air particles need to touch our ear drum, but the particles are not the wave.)

We do not observe waves directly–we see what our brains allow us to see, forms and sounds that keep our breathing bodies from quickly becoming carcasses.
Still, as I catch a glimpse of a patch of snow glinting in the optimistic light of a March sun, my eye converting waves of light that only I have seen, I realize how little any of us can know, and how much of the universe casually exists outside our senses, our imagination.
So I write about it, to no one in particular, for no particular reason.